Barnett Park
GPS Coordinates: -43.588, 172.729
Wind Direction: VERY LIGHT NE
Minimum Pilot Rating: PG2
Access: From Summit Road turn onto Broadleaf Lane. Go through the gate and cattle stop (leave the gate as you find it) and continue up to the building at the top.
Take-off: Take-off from the paddock immediately north of the fence. Set-up close to the fence line as you need to fly through the gap in the large pine trees. This is generally a forward launch site only.
Landing: Barnett Park. Avoid flying this site if there is a sports game in progress.
Flying: This is a very light winds only site; it’s good for a nice long scenic glide down into Barnett Park. In moderate winds you will encounter strong turbulence from the pine trees at the top, in the valley below and at landing.
BE AWARE large powerlines cross this valley approximately half way down. Stay close to the ridge on the left side of the valley (Mt Pleasant side) and be prepared to slope land if you feel you cannot fly over the powerlines with plenty of clearance. The powerlines do angle down to the northeast so as you approach them on the left side of the valley you have the option to follow them out into the middle of the valley which may give you more clearance. However you may encounter more sink flying away from the ridge so just be careful and err on the side of caution.