John Britten Reserve
GPS Coordinates: -43.583, 172.725
Wind Direction: Take-off faces NW (LIGHT WINDS ONLY)
Minimum Pilot Rating: PG2 / HG Advanced
Access: Drive up Mt Pleasant Road and turn right when you reach Summit Road. The site is 500 m along the road.
Parking: Park in the layby or grass verge next to a gate and style.
Take-off: Is located in the flat tussock area just beyond the style. The take-off is expansive and can accommodate many rigged gliders compared to Castle Rock and the Gondola.
Landing: You can top land at take-off. Bottom landing is the same as for the Gondola/Castle Rock.
Flying: John Britten is adjacent to the Gondola and so the flying notes are very similar. The main difference is that this site is above some large rocky outcrops that face NW. These heat up later in the day than the Gondola and so John Britten works better in the afternoon provided the winds remain light. Generally a thermic or nil wind site, it is possible in the right conditions to soar the entire ridge all the way down to the Ferrymead bridge. Note that the airspace altitude limit drops down to 1500 ft at this point.
DO NOT FLY IN A NW, unless you are positive the NW is <20kph at all altitudes.

in the area within the red line on the image below.
Landing here is a risk to the horses and horse-riders of Heathcote Valley Riding School.