Planning for a weekend getaway in Castle Hill Village on 19-20th March. Meet fellow Christchurch pilots, fly with new people and hopefully learn something new.

The details:
When: Saturday 19 March - Sunday 20 March '22
Rain check date: 26 - 27th March
Where: Castle Hill Village, Canterbury.
**Please RSVP so we have an idea on numbers for attendance and catering**
Non-members (family/friends) are welcome to join, but we ask for a $15 contribution toward the catering and use of facilities. Please RSVP and mention how many 'extras' you will be bringing.
Any questions or concerns please direct them to
Join us for a low-key weekend getaway with fellow Christchurch pilots.
Social flying during the days, and debrief/catch up in the evenings to share stories, learnings and ask each other questions. We're hoping to arrange some talks from local pilots too - if you have a story or talk you'd like to share, let us know.
Come out for the whole weekend or just one day.
We'll be basing HQ at Castle Hill Village, with plenty of camping and accommodation options nearby.
Bruce has kindly offered the use of his BBQ trailer again, so we will be putting on a BBQ at the HQ for dinner on the Saturday night, with non-alcoholic drinks provided. BYO other meals and alcohol.
This is not an official competition. Our aim is to bring local pilots of all skill levels together for fun, social flying, and to share knowledge and stoke!
We've came to conclusion about the COVID Policy for the weekend, and decided to go two ways.
BBQ/HQ: As we've hit 25+ RSVPs we will have to check vaccine passes as per govt regulations
(this includes potential indoor talks and debriefs).
Flying: Inclusive for vaccinated and non vaccinated - morning briefings will be held outside, separation on launch and in the air is natural to the sport. Different launch sites give plenty of options to separate.
We're asking everyone to be upfront about their vaxed/non-vaxed status so that anyone concerned can keep distance, choose another car for shuttles, potentially a different launch site.
